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European Initiative, Pt. 1

European Initiative, Pt. 1

Over two million people have deserted their homes in Ukraine and are taking refuge in Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, and Moldova, in hopes of escaping the devastation of war. Most of them are lacking food, bedding and other essentials, and have only the clothes...

Pray for Ukraine

Pray for Ukraine

Please join us in prayer for the nation of Ukraine. Here are some specific things you can pray for . . .* Diplomatic peace between nations, and peace specifically for the people of Ukraine.* Protection and safety from violence, including refuge for the people, safe...

Ministry Should be Holistic in Nature

Ministry Should be Holistic in Nature

“Ministry should be holistic in nature, demonstrating that Christianity is not just a religion, but a way of life.” Tom Steffen, Encountering Life and Missionary WorkBorn in the Ukraine during the 1950s, Natasha* grew up in a culture where persecution of Christians...

To The Jew First

To The Jew First

"To The Jew First"Have you heard this phrase before but you are not actually sure what it means? Romans 1:16 says, "For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first, and also to the Greek."...