Please join us in prayer for the nation of Ukraine. Here are some specific things you can pray for . . .
* Diplomatic peace between nations, and peace specifically for the people of Ukraine.
* Protection and safety from violence, including refuge for the people, safe evacuations, and capacity for the surrounding countries opening up to refugees/evacuees.
* Provision of emergency resources such as food, first-aid, and housing.
* Wisdom for the church in how to respond to this crisis.
* Wisdom for all the neighboring countries as they navigate how to support Ukraine while also maintaining peace and protection within their own borders.

Though we will not name them for the security of their privacy, please continue to intercede on behalf of our friends/partners in ministry there. Let us be burdened for this nation through prayer.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2